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The 10 brands that won web3 in 2023 🏆
Our fingernails are officially onchain.
2023 was a year of building in web3 — and no shortage of brands got in on the action.
Across luxury fashion, institutions like Prada, Louis Vuitton, and Maison Margiela reimagined the roadmap for retaining customers through captivating yet accessible content that turned buying products into something more: an enduring digital connection. Others, like beauty platform KIKI World, pushed the limits of blockchain — and fingernails — via web3 communities focused on co-creation and customization. Across the sports field, Manchester United, Red Bull Racing, and the Tampa Bay Rays-owned Rowdies, won through fan programs and sticky experiences that incentivized fan engagement and boosted sales. The list goes on.
Below are 10 brands who did it right in 2023 — and, in the process, won web3.