About Mojito

Mojito is the web3 consumer engagement platform for brands, on a mission to onboard the world to web3.

Currently our white-label web3 product stack covers: Engage-To-Earn Rewards (Event POAPs, Gifts with Purchase, Prizes), Paid Drops (Auctions, Buy Now, Ballots), Marketplaces (Royalty-Enforced, End-To-End), Memberships (Token-Gating, Tiered Benefits, Loyalty Points), Wallets (white-label, non-custodial) Payments (fiat, crypto), and more we're exploring.

Mojito has generated $120m+ (update coming next quarter) for marquee brands and creators on Mojito including Sotheby’s, Pace Gallery, Tampa Bay Rays, Milwaukee Bucks, and CAA. Check out our case studies here

Mojito is helmed by an experienced team of serial web3 entrepreneurs building for 7+ years, from web2 brand beginnings. Mojito is a collection of game changers based around the world.

Leadership Team

Raakhee Miller
Matthew Iles
COO & Co-Founder
Amanda Cassatt
President & Co-Founder
Neil Mullins
Marvin Mathew
Camilla McFarland
Vice President
Teddy Ellison
General Counsel
Claire Goodill
Head of Business Development