White-label & 

Give your community an authentic and secure place to trade
secondary marketplace

Own the end-to-end
consumer experience

Confidently host a secure and authentic marketplace for your community
web3 white-label marketplace

Curated Collections

Handcraft your web3 experience. Feature your own collections as well as vetted third-parties.
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NFT royalties

Royalty Enforced

Set and enforce your own royalty rates with transparent, automatic payouts.
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web3 CMS

CMS Integrations

Add List for Sale and Make Offer functionality within your rich content pages in addition to a 'shop all' page.
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web3 secondary marketplace

Search & Filter Function

Allow easy navigation and discovery within a large assortment, including traits, recent sales, and other recommendations.
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web3 commerce

Fully Onchain

Onchain transactions for provenance records and instant settlement even with multiple royalty recipients.
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Search and Filter

Empower your community

Improve community satisfaction by creating more opportunities for collectors to easily find and obtain their favorite assets even after a drop closes. 
NFT Secondary Market
secondary marketplace

Incentivize  engagement 

Create greater flexibility by enabling sellers to list items for sale in an authentic, branded marketplace while buyers can negotiate prices for their favorite digital assets to increase revenue on secondary sales.  

Real time updates 

Monitor and analyze marketplace activity and sales to identify popular assets which helps inform your marketing strategy and determine appropriate pricing for future drops. 
connected CRM
Search and Filter

Empower your community

Improve community satisfaction by creating more opportunities for collectors to obtain their favorite assets even after a drop closes.
List for Sale, Make offer

Incentivize engagement

Create greater flexibility for buyers by enabling your community to negotiate prices for their favorite digital assets and increase revenue.

Real-time updates

Monitor and analyze marketplace activity to identify popular assets, inform your marketing strategy, and determine appropriate pricing for future drops.
MORE features

Unlock New Dimensions

Build an immersive storefront and narrate the story behind your collections


Automatically add new collections to your marketplace post-drop


Notify users of new offers or sales with email or SMS notifications

List for Sale

Allow users to set a buy now price for any owned asset

Make Offer

Allow users to make offers with committed funds onchain

Royalty Enforced

Set, update, and enforce your royalties on the secondary market

Royalty Splitter

Configure multiple parties to receive different royalty splits

Activity Feed

Show users real-time offers and sales in order to drive engagement

Analytics & Reporting

Track key metrics, analyze trends, and make data-driven decisions

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We share weekly web3 trends, analysis, and profiles.
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Sotheby’s Metaverse

Sotheby’s Metaverse partnered with Mojito to create their groundbreaking secondary marketplace that provides a seamless experience for both buyers and sellers.
Visit Sotheby's
Sotheby's Metaverse

Insights, analysis, and exciting discoveries

A comprehensive guide for brands embracing the future
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Who’s hungry for zero-party cookies?

July 12, 2024

Welcome to the future of personalized consumer data.

Camilla McFarland isn't just a crypto OG who's been making moves onchain since 2013; she's also an advisor and member of Mojito's founding team, who's long been at the forefront of brand innovation in web3. 

What better person to wax onchain poetic on the future of brands in web3 at one of the industry's largest global gatherings: EthCC? 

Following her talk last year on Big Brands & Web3: NFTs and the consumer brand revolution, Camilla took the stage this week in Brussels to drop some more alpha on brands making moves onchain in a new talk, Zero-Party Cookies: the future of personalized consumer data

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Use Case: Richie Hawtin & Proof-of-Attendance NFTs

July 9, 2024

Breaking down a different future for drops.

For techno icon Richie Hawtin, drops are about more than just bass.

As one of the most acclaimed artists in electronic music history, the Ontario, Canada-bred musician has long had an affinity for leveraging futuristic technologies to make processes more efficient and engaging.

“Music and technology have absolutely always been intertwined for me,” Hawtin said in a 2022 interview.

From soundtracking Prada fashion shows with mind-bending audio-visuals to creating his own mixer (and tech-indebted sake brand), Hawtin has always pushed the bar.

Since 2022, his journey as a musical technologist has included a growing affinity for web3 — more specifically, Proof-of-Attendance NFTs.

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How to Rewire Your Brain (and Brand Strategy) using Web3

July 9, 2024

From web3 data to web3 wallets - the only constant is change.

In technology, as in life, this one always hits. Whether it’s AI-powered smart pillows, a fully NFC-chipped wardrobe, or an entire generation spending their allowance on avatars, the future of engaging consumers is no longer about maybe leveraging next-generation technology — it’s a must.

Nonetheless, it’s not always easy to keep up when so much change is in the air. Sometimes, it even requires us to completely rewire our brains to make room for what we must understand to thrive as a brand. Rather than turn this into a game of Operation, let’s continue.

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